Inspiring children to have a Love for Learning
Loudoun Montessori School (LMS) endeavors to provide an environment for children in which they are encouraged to explore, create, learn, socialize, and celebrate their unique talents. We do this by offering safe and beautifully prepared classrooms, materials, and curriculum that promote the Montessori philosophy. Our Montessori teachers appreciate every student and help them to develop skills that go beyond the average classroom and make each student a well-rounded individual. Children gain independence, learn to take responsibility for themselves, and to care for others and the world they are a part of. When they leave, Loudoun Montessori children are academically prepared as well as socially responsible citizens.
Loudoun Montessori is not only devoted to our students, but to our parents and families as well. We respect the parent's role as the child's first teacher, and our staff encourages frequent contact and communication. We believe that it is very important to keep a close relationship between parents and the Montessori community so that we may work together to create a successful school experience for every child.
Create an institution where kids of all potential receive education and skills so they excel in their life.
The LMS vision is to establish and maintain a school that strives for excellence by providing an accessible and affordable quality Montessori education in the growing community. The schools’ aim is to prepare children to reach their full potential and to play a responsible role in protecting the global environment and fostering peace and harmony with natural processes and community interests.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of LMS, is to provide a superior Montessori environment and dynamic learning experiences which are designed according to the developmental characteristics and needs of children: to guide and nurture each child—intellectually, socially, and emotionally. LMS strives to provide and recognize a variety of learning opportunities for children with intellectual abilities ranging from stimulated and gifted to children needing additional attention within the structure of Montessori classroom as well as by providing extra curriculum activities.
Our differentiators from other parties who are currently proposing to lease the space from the Ashburn Technology Park:
Build a top ranking Montessori school
Our effort will be to build the top ranking school in the Ashburn community and ultimately in Loudoun County. Our proposal is to run an exceptional and recognized program which stands us out from others who want to create a child care program disguised as an educational program.
Committed involvement in a variety of educational programs that help community
- Financial Assistance Program provides assistance to low-and-moderate-income families in Loudoun County who are working, or are in approved education / training programs, and are parenting children from birth to age 13. This program assists with child care payments to day care centers and licensed family child care home providers that are approved and participate in the Virginia Electronic Child Care (VA-ECC) System. LMS will participate in the FAP and VA-ECC programs and come forward to help families meet their goals for and help with further discounting our tuition.
– Head Start or Early Head Start is a federal program that serves children up to age of five from low income families. Head Start helps prepare children for success in school through early childhood education and services for children with disabilities. Eligibility for Head Start is based upon local and federal income and child age requirements.
- Virginia Preschool Initiative supports quality preschools programs for at risk 4 year olds. Children and their families participating in VPI receive assistance through – early childhood education and child development, social services, children’s health assessments and parenting workshops. VPI is held in preschool classrooms in Loudoun County Public Schools, private centers and in family child care provider homes.
- Advanced Academic Resource Teacher Program (Coming to Loudoun County) is a program designed for teachers to provide them with resources and techniques to recognize children with special academic abilities. Montessori education by default of being very individualized and catering to children’s interests has proven to advance children naturally in a variety of subjects. Observation and monitoring techniques are an essential part of the teachers’ data gathering and progress monitoring on daily basis. Since Advanced Academic Tests are routinely administered to children starting in Kindergarten, this program will serve as an enhancement and useful tool for teachers who are planning the scope of expectation from students in public schools who wish to be placed in gifted-talented programs
LMS will strive to serve as an informative resource to families from all economics backgrounds.
Consideration for Ashburn Technology Park tenant staff kids to enroll in the LMS with discount ()
LMS will provide 10% discount in tuition (one month free) to all Ashburn Technology Park tenant staff and 5% to their paying members that enroll their child in the school and an additional discount for the siblings.
Consideration for Verizon staff kids to enroll in the LMS with discount (
LMS will provide 10% discount in tuition (one month free) to all Verizon staff that enroll their child in the school and an additional discount for the siblings.
Consideration for local Ashburn small businesses whose kids enroll in the LMS with discount (
LMS will provide a discount in tuition to local Ashburn small businesses that enroll their child in the school and an additional discount for the siblings.
Build a truly exceptional Montessori facility in an excellent location with dedicated, well compensated & Montessori certified staff
LMS understands that the quality of education is greatly determined on the quality and dedication of its teachers. We will always strive to find and retain exceptional teachers from various cultural backgrounds. The Montessori certification program, our work as Montessori teachers and our individual teaching experiences prior to Montessori has put us in touch with many Montessori professionals, many of whom would love the opportunity to work in the Ashburn community.LMS understands the value of our staff and the need for quality of life.Maintaining a proper level of compensation ensures our staff turnover rate will not be driven by overworked, undercompensated or underappreciated staff.
Daily Language Curriculum
Children today live in a world where speaking more than one language is prerequisite for their future success.Working towards this future success should not wait till the child reaches High School.To ensure this success we will provide scheduled twenty (20) minute daily foreign language classes.Upon school opening in fall 2015 we will begin with Spanish (other languages to follow).
Provide extra curriculum activities and outreach community programs
Children love to learn through fun interactive activities. There are many programs offered that are at minimal cost to parents.We will bring these extracurricular activities and programs to our school such as:
Physical education (soccer, basketball, martial arts, dance)
Visual and Sensorial Arts: (painting, pottery, sketching, music)
Mental Education programs (Odyssey of the Mind, Chess, and Lego Construction).
We will attempt to engage the businesses currently in the Ashburn Technology Park that can provide these extracurricular activities.